Add a Webamp playlist to your website
Webamp skins:
Here's the code for your Webamp playlist, you can put this anywhere in the
< body > tag or inside of its own div:
Here's the script to make it draggable around the page, place this above your
< body > tag:
Idk where to host mp3s, but you can upload them here to neocities, and you can upload more if you become a supporter.
Won't tell you how to pirate music, but soulseek is a great alternative. You can also purchase albums and mp3s from bandcamp.
The directories to the files should look like this:
"(folder name)/(file name).(mp3/wsz/ect)"
example #1:
example #2:
"webamp/Simply_Clean_Lilac.wsz" codes to hide the homepage, email and subscribe to Atom:
Place this script above your
< / html > tag to disable right-click on your webpage
Place this script above your
< / html > tag to disable ctrl+u on your webpage