I hadn't realized it was Calla and Anton to form the romance. In fact, I didn't realize this was a romance book at all. Even though looking at the summary after I finished the book, it was implied and marked in the romance genre and I guess I just didn't notice. They had no chemistry at all so when they suddenly started getting all goo-goo eyed, it put me off. The sex scenes were kinda cringy. The twist ending is that Calla "kills" Anton to win the game in order to kill the King with August, but somehow, Anton jumped into August's body ...? without the "flash of light", which he was practicing earlier in the book. And the big, big plot twist, even though August and his in-love-with-him guard tried to kill Atta, the coma girl, she woke up miraculously. Wow. Love-triangle, coming soon. Bleh lol
After the cultists force entry into the cabin, they fail to force the couple to make a "sacrifice", leading them to sacrifice one of their own, and hoo-boy, this was disgustingly well-written. It was so visceral and heartbreaking to have Wen's reactions detailed, even though she didn't actually see it. And even more heartbreaking, later on, Wen is accidentally killed after Andrew frees himself and gets his gun out of the SUV. Earlier, she gets incredibly upset because she is reminded that her grasshoppers were left outside in the jar, and worried about them having died, trapped under the sunlight. The parallel between that and her impending death was horribly well written.